What is Transformational Breath®?

Transformational Breath is a simple diaphragmatic breathing technique that helps to fully open the respiratory system.

It is shocking to know that the East has understood the power of conscious breathing and how it can influence our well-being for thousands of years. And yet, we in the West still do not fully believe how strong this connection is. We do not fully understand the intrinsic effect our breathing has on our physical and emotional health.

Most of us don’t breath properly using only 30% of our respiratory capacity. Our life force energy and blood circulation is massively dependent the constant exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body, in other words, in how we breath.  Each of the trillions of cells in our bodies needs oxygen to survive and stay healthy. Healthy cells create healthy organs and influence the wellbeing of the entire functioning of the body.

By enriching the body with oxygen through a more open breath, Transformational Breath promotes physical, emotional and mental well-being. Breathing in a constant, flowing, open rhythm enables access to blpic 1ocked areas of emotion. Blockages that have been caused by suppressing the breath whenever we wanted to avoid negative feelings. By releasing these blockages, past emotional memories held in the body can surface and finally be integrated. Once they are integrated our mind comes to a natural state of rest and we can appreciate our true essential well-beingness.

The ideal breath is open, full and connected (no gaps before exhale or inhale). An open, full and connected breath engages the whole respiratory system and naturally massages our organs, stimulates our circulation and our immune system fluids. When our breathing becomes restricted we limit the effectiveness of this process and this often shows up in a physical illness, having less energy and being mentally and emotional imbalanced. Resulting in us feeling stressed out, anxious and depressed.

Breathing Patterns

Pic 2 (background)Each of us have a unique breathing pattern that tells a story about our life. It reveals the relationship we have to ourselves and to the world around us. For example, some people are chest breathers meaning they breathe using their chest. Others are belly breathers meaning their breath comes from the lower belly area, the lower abdomen. Some people will breathe deeply, others shallow. Often, our breathing can be irregular or restricted. As we face in life difficult situations that affect our emotions, we often instinctively withdraw as a self-protective mechanism by holding or restricting our breath. What we are actually doing is suppressing or repressing the unwanted emotional energy of the experience into our bodies. Keeping this buried emotional energy inside by adjusting the way we breathe requires a lot of energy and creates chronic tension in our bodies, which will eventually manifest into a physical or psychological condition. Even if we have been limiting our restricted breathing patterns our entire lives, these patterns can quickly be overcome and changed in just a few sessions of Transformational Breathing, and sometimes in just a few moments!

If you would like to find out in more detail about what happens during an individual breath session then please don´t hesitate to call me on 0034 622 957 405. Alternatively, if you are already curious but not convinced you would like an individual session yet, you can come to one of the frequent Transformational Breath workshops that I facilitate throughout the year or even attend a Breathing Retreat weekend.

Below is a recommended link to learn more about Transformational Breath®
