Online Breathing Sessions

With the current circumstances it is not uncommon to be experiencing high states of anxiety and stress. In light of the restrictions and social distancing regulations I have invested in the official Transformational Breath Online training so that I can offer support for people who need it. You have the choice to participate on a group online session or on an invidual one-to-one basis
You will be asked to set an intention going into the session and, along with my guidance to obtain an open, conscious connected breath, you will recieve a physical detox and feel re-ernergised with life-force energy. It is very possible to experience the immediate offloading of any mental and emotional baggage giving you the opportunity to re-align yourself to the here and now and connect with your heart and spirit.

What you will need:

– mouthpiece (cut the top off a plastic bottle and use this essential aid to breathe through your mouth throughout       the session)
– mattress & lots of pillows
– water bottle
– blanket
– tissues
Cost: €15



Hi Kranti

I want to say thank you for the 3 sessions we have so far done together. I have been reflecting on the last 5/6 weeks of my journey inwards and the intentions we set: ‘Let Go’ – ‘I am safe in my body’ – ‘Trust in Life’ somehow resonated within me and marked short chapters of my healing/excavation process. Something has really shifted after the last session and I feel much lighter and present the last few days. I feel like me again, and ever so slightly wiser.

I was hoping we could do at least one more session next week perhaps?

Also, I would like to be charged a little more because I feel you have been too generous.

And thanks for the OSHO narrative. I Iistened in its entirety. Living from the heart is courage; if only we could all embody that sentiment.

Much respect
